
Salvation typ o negative
Salvation typ o negative

salvation typ o negative

And it is quite possible that the origin of O negative blood lies with them.īut then the Neanderthals are another guess having the European ones high in type O. The ancient Sumerians came in many shades and forms.


Though some believe it could have been an African tribe with lighter skin more heat sensitive and migrating towards that region. So where is the point of origin? My thoughts are a tribe in the ancient Sumerian region where rh negative blood could have originated. Amongst Rhone Valley residents it is around 60 percent. At least a lot more than in other populations. Wherever rh negative blood is frequent, so seems to be blood type O. Is Armenia the region where blood type A and B first led to producing a blood type AB child? Whenever the first blood type A and blood type B person have met, the first AB person could have been created. Was B the blood type best suited for the harshness and high altitudes of the Himalayas. But it definitely was not a blood type present in Europe a few thousand years ago. So if you are blood type B and European, I am not talking recent Asian ancestry necessarily. So why is it so frequent in Europe? Dominating over type 0 made it easy to travel without getting lost. A lot more research needs to be done in that area. This could mean that there once was an ancient group 100% blood type A and migrating to the Americas.

salvation typ o negative salvation typ o negative

Today’s Japanese people are around 40% blood type A making it the highest one amongst them. But again: Why is it the Blackfoot Indians are reported to be 82% blood type A positive which is huge? Generally speaking, Native American tribes are known to have been exclusively blood type O positive… except the Blackfoot Indians… WHY? Europe might be the most obvious answer, but why is it the highest amongst the Blackfoot Indians and the Andaman Islanders? Assyria and Armenia also stand out with the rarer A2 popping up in Assyria and amongst Pharao Tutankhamun and his family. Native Americans have maintained the 100 percent O positive for the most part and for the longest due to isolation likely stemming from Asian groups 100 percent O positive at that time. It is still the most common blood type on the continent as it is in many places. There is no doubt in my mind that Africa is the answer. Here are results of studies indicating where your blood type might originally have come up first:īlood type O positive The likely origin of blood type O positive is the continent of Africa. That would explain the blood type B presence amongst them while B being absent from all other Native American tribes.īlood type frequencies make sense when looking at migrations and timelines and while some of you might be surprised by the origin of your blood types, it all makes sense looking at the autosomal DNA and dominances when wondering why your blood type may have originated 1,000s of miles from where you know your ancestry to be from. It was not too long ago that I have learned that today’s Inuits are descendants of a tribe 1,000 years ago migrating from Asia towards the Americas and not so much the Paleo-Eskimos coming over around 5,000 years ago. Note also high rh negative frequencies in the ancient European region which is the Ukraine today. So when you look at Basque country, there are parts with more than 50% rh negatives. This map of ancient Europe highlights the percentages of rh positives by region.

Salvation typ o negative